Juan Antonio Niño CEO of Active commented on the acquisition of new cybersecurity tools

Juan Antonio Niño spoke about the improvements in the entire Active Re technology platform

The president of the Board of Directors of Active Re, Juan Antonio Niño, said «During recent years we have carried out a series of activities that are helping the continuous improvement of all areas of the company and with that optimize the products, services and processes of the organization.»

The renowned insurer Active Re believes in teleworking and has managed to implement a technological infrastructure that allows it to connect its work tools with the workers’ computers at home through a secure virtual network, to continue operating during the pandemic. In addition, through the Office 365 platform, they reinforced the contingency in hardware and software.

Juan Antonio Niño says: “As a global company that maintains a relationship with insurance brokers, insurers and reinsurers, we promote awareness of safeguarding the environment, maintaining 50% of our staff in telecommuting, contributing substantially to the reduction of carbon footprint of the company”.

Currently, teleworking is an excellent option to reduce the environmental impact of companies, having a positive impact on the world thanks to the reduction of displacement, the lower occupation of urban land and changes in consumption.

Juan Antonio Niño also highlighted that new cybersecurity tools were acquired to identify threats to the brand through real-time attack evaluation analysis and improved protection to ensure the browsing isolation environment, which prevents websites from sending malicious programs and threats. phishing to end users.

